B-7 Flash App to Device

Next you'll flash your "Hello World" app to your Photon device to run the app.

Flash App to Photon

Be sure your Photon is powered on and connected to Wi-Fi and Particle Cloud.

Flash your app code to your Photon device by clicking the Flash icon in the left navigation bar. (Particle Build will first save and verify your code before flashing it.)

Your Photon will download the app from Particle Cloud over Wi-Fi and store the app in your Photon's flash memory. While this is occurring, you should see that the RGB light on your Photon's circuit board will blink pink.

Once the download is complete, your Photon will automatically restart itself. You'll see the RGB light on your Photon blink green while it tries to reconnect to Wi-Fi. Once your Photon has reconnected to Wi-Fi and Particle Cloud, the RGB will be "breathing" cyan (light blue).

Confirm App Works

Once your Photon has downloaded the new app and restarted, your new app will automatically start running:

  • Confirm that the blue D7 LED light on your Photon's circuit board blinks on and off in a repeating pattern (with the light turning on for 1 second and then turning off for 1 second).

If so, then you've successfully programmed the "Hello World" app for your Photon device. Your teacher may want to see your Photon device to confirm that your team's app is working.

APP ISSUES: If the app doesn't work correctly (such as: D7 LED doesn't turn on, D7 LED doesn't turn off, etc.), then double-check your app code in Particle Build. If necessary, consult with another team or your teacher to figure out what the issue might be.

Last updated