D-7 Web App HTML

Next, you'll create a web app that will interact with your Smart Security device through Particle Cloud.

Your web app will consist of an HTML file namedindex.html, a CSS file named style.css, and a JavaScript file named script.js.

Remember that Particle Build is only used to code your Photon device app. You'll need to use a different code editor to create the HTML, CSS, and JS files for your web app. Consult your teacher to determine which code editor will be most appropriate to use for your web app files.

Add Starter HTML

Copy this starter HTML for your web app, and paste it into a blank HTML file named index.html.

The starter HTML contains blank lines where you'll add custom HTML for your specific web app.

Add Custom HTML

Copy this HTML, and paste it into the blank lines within the <body> of your starter HTML code:

        <h2>Smart Security System</h2>
        <div class="card">
            <h2 id="system-mode">Connecting...</h2>
            <label class="switch">
                <input type="checkbox" name="toggle" onclick="toggleMode();">
                <span class="slider round"></span>
            <h3>Last Motion Event</h3>
            <p id="event-time">None</p>
        <div id="motion-alert" class="card">
            <h2>Motion Detected</h2>

COPY CODE: When using this IoT code guidebook, you can copy a code block simply by clicking the copy icon displayed in the upper right of the code block.

Preview Web App

If you preview the web app at this point, it's very plain (because there's no CSS in the style.css file) and it doesn't function yet (because there's no JS in the code.js file).

Last updated