
These custom functions for pivoting or turning the robot use the wheel encoders:

  • pivotAngle() — pivot on both wheels by specific angle

  • turnAngle() — turn on one wheel by specific angle


A custom function named pivotAngle() uses the wheel encoders to make your robot pivot by a specified angle.

When pivoting, the robot turns in a circle centered between the robot's wheels. The distance between the centers of the RedBot wheel treads is 6.125 inches, which represents the diameter of the robot's pivot circle. If the robot pivoted 360°, the distance traveled by each wheel would be equal to the circumference of this pivot circle:

C = 𝛑 × d = 3.14 × 6.125 = 19.23 inches

Usually you will want your RedBot to pivot by a specific angle that is less than 360° — such as 45°, 90°, 180°, etc. For any specific angle, you can calculate its arc length (i.e., a "partial circumference"):

L = 𝛂 / 360° × 𝛑 × d

The arc length (L) represents the distance each wheel will travel while pivoting by a specific angle (𝛂).

For example, when pivoting by 90°, the arc length is:

L = 90° / 360° × 𝛑 × d = 0.25 × 3.14 × 6.125 = 4.81 inches

Once this arc length is calculated for a specific angle, the wheel encoders can be used to control how long the wheels are pivoted. This is what the pivotAngle() function does.

When calling the pivotAngle() function, you must pass in a value for the desired angle (degrees) by listing the value inside the parentheses after the function's name.:

  • A positive angle will pivot the robot clockwise to the right.

  • A negative angle will pivot the robot counter-clockwise to the left.

For example, to make your robot pivot 90 degrees right:


To make your robot pivot 90 degrees left:


The pivotAngle() function requires these objects as part of your global variables before the setup() function:

RedBotMotors motors;
RedBotEncoder encoder(A2, 10);

Add the pivotAngle() custom function after the loop() function:

void pivotAngle(float angle) {

    // use wheel encoders to pivot (turn) by specified angle

    // set motor power for pivoting
    int power = 100; // clockwise
    if (angle < 0) power *= -1; // negative power for counter-clockwise

    // use correction to improve angle accuracy
    // adjust correction value based on test results
    float correction = -5.0; // need decimal point for float value
    if (angle > 0) angle += correction;
    else if (angle < 0) angle -= correction;

    // variable for tracking wheel encoder counts
    long rightCount = 0;

    // values based on RedBot's encoders, motors & wheels
    float countsPerRev = 192.0; // 192 encoder ticks per wheel revolution
    float wheelDiam = 2.56; // wheel diameter = 65 mm = 2.56 in
    float wheelCirc = PI * wheelDiam; // wheel circumference = 3.14 x 2.56 in = 8.04 in
    float pivotDiam = 6.125; // pivot diameter = distance between centers of wheel treads = 6.125 in
    float pivotCirc = PI * pivotDiam; // pivot circumference = 3.14 x 6.125 in = 19.23 in

    // based on angle, calculate distance (arc length) for pivot
    float distance = abs(angle) / 360.0 * pivotCirc;

    // based on distance, calculate number of wheel revolutions
    float numRev = distance / wheelCirc;

    // based on number of revolutions, calculate target encoder count
    float targetCount = numRev * countsPerRev;

    // reset encoder counters and start pivoting

    // keeps looping while right encoder count less than target count
    while (abs(rightCount) < abs(targetCount)) {
        // get current wheel encoder count
        rightCount = encoder.getTicks(RIGHT);
        delay(10);  // short delay before next reading

    // target count reached


A custom function named turnAngle() uses the wheel encoders to make your robot turn on one wheel by a specified angle.

Turning on one wheel is less tight than pivoting (which has a "zero turn radius"):

When turning on one wheel, the robot turns in a circle centered on the stopped wheel. The distance between the centers of the RedBot wheel treads is 6.125 inches, which represents the radius of the robot's turn circle, so the diameter of this turn circle is 12.25 inches. If the robot turned 360° on one wheel, the distance traveled by the driving wheel would be equal to the circumference of this turn circle:

C = 𝛑 × d = 3.14 × 12.25 = 38.47 inches

Usually you will want your RedBot to turn by a specific angle that is less than 360° — such as 45°, 90°, 180°, etc. For any specific angle, you can calculate its arc length (i.e., a "partial circumference"):

L = 𝛂 / 360° × 𝛑 × d

The arc length (L) represents the distance that the driving wheel will travel while turning by that specific angle (𝛂).

For example, when turning on one wheel by 90°, the arc length is:

L = 90° / 360° × 𝛑 × d = 0.25 × 3.14 × 12.25 = 9.62 inches

Once this arc length is calculated for a specific angle, the wheel encoders can be used to control how long the driving wheel travels. This is what the turnAngle() function does.

When calling the turnAngle() function, you must pass in a value for the desired angle (degrees) by listing the value inside the parentheses after the function's name.:

  • A positive angle will turn the robot clockwise to the right.

  • A negative angle will turn the robot counter-clockwise to the left.

For example, to make your robot turn on one wheel 90 degrees right:


To make your robot turn on one wheel 90 degrees left:


The turnAngle() function requires these objects as part of your global variables before the setup() function:

RedBotMotors motors;
RedBotEncoder encoder(A2, 10);

Add the turnAngle() custom function after the loop() function:

void turnAngle(float angle) {

    // use wheel encoders to turn on one wheel by specified angle

    // set motor power for pivoting
    int power = 100;

    // use correction to improve angle accuracy
    // adjust correction value based on test results
    float correction = 5.0; // need decimal point for float value
    if (angle > 0) angle += correction;
    else if (angle < 0) angle -= correction;

    // variables for tracking wheel encoder counts
    long leftCount = 0;
    long rightCount = 0;

    // values based on RedBot's encoders, motors & wheels
    float countsPerRev = 192.0; // 192 encoder ticks per wheel revolution
    float wheelDiam = 2.56; // wheel diameter = 65 mm = 2.56 in
    float wheelCirc = PI * wheelDiam; // wheel circumference = 3.14 x 2.56 in = 8.04 in
    float turnDiam = 12.25; // turn diameter = 2 x distance between centers of wheel treads = 2 x 6.125 in
    float turnCirc = PI * turnDiam; // turn circumference = 3.14 x 12.25 in = 38.47 in

    // based on angle, calculate distance (arc length) for turn
    float distance = abs(angle) / 360.0 * turnCirc;

    // based on distance, calculate number of wheel revolutions
    float numRev = distance / wheelCirc;

    // based on number of revolutions, calculate target encoder count
    float targetCount = numRev * countsPerRev;

    // reset encoder counters

    // based on turn angle, turn using either left wheel or right wheel
    if (angle > 0) {
        // turn clockwise using left wheel only

        // keeps looping while left encoder count less than target count
        while (leftCount < targetCount) {
            // get current wheel encoder count
            leftCount = encoder.getTicks(LEFT);
            delay(10);  // short delay before next reading
    else {
        // turn counter-clockwise using right wheel only

        // keeps looping while right encoder count less than target count
        while (rightCount < targetCount) {
            // get current wheel encoder count
            rightCount = encoder.getTicks(RIGHT);
            delay(10); // short delay before next reading

    // target count reached

    // uncomment following statements only if using driveStraight() elsewhere in program
    // encoder.clearEnc(BOTH);
    // prevLeftCount = 0;
    // prevRightCount = 0;