Initial Ideas & Evaluation

Idea Map

As a team, simply map out ideas for your trivia game based on your team's interest and the potential value (or impact) the idea may have with your target audience. There are no strict rules on how to do this. You simply want to entertain all the ideas and begin to evaluate which ideas have the most promise. Idea Map Template

Interaction Storyboard (Interface Sketches)

Each team member will create a unique interaction storyboard concept based on your understanding about the stakeholders, the trivia code, and a health topic. Each concept (interaction storyboard sketch) should contain four screen sketches that represent the welcome screen, question screen, correct answer feedback, and incorrect answer feedback.

Your goal is to have several unique design concepts (even though they address the same trivia topic) to consider as you move forward. You will be able to get some feedback during your proposals on these different ideas.

On why to sketch: Etch A Sketch: How to Use Sketching in User Experience Design Check out the first part of this video. This video provides some nice sketching techniques too.

❏ Deliverables Create a team idea map and collect your team's storyboard sketches into a single document or slide set.