2.6 Product Website

Your team will create a one-page product marketing website for your smart device solution, which will include a product demo video that your team will create. This website will be made public to allow more people to learn about your smart device project.

  1. Gather and/or create the content (text, images, video, etc.) for your team’s product marketing website. As necessary, tailor the content to your target users, as represented by your team's persona. Be sure the content is clear, concise, engaging, and professional. Your website should include the following (but you can add other content if helpful):

    • Product Name

    • Product Description (can use value proposition as starting point)

    • Product Video (demonstrate how smart device solution works)

    • Features (list tasks that smart device solution can perform)

    • Tech Specs (list device's inputs, outputs, connectivity, etc.)

    • Photo(s) of completed smart device (if necessary, add captions to explain)

    • Screenshot(s) of completed web app (if necessary, add captions to explain)

  2. Create a visual design for your team's website that will be engaging, professional, and reinforce your product concept. As necessary, tailor the design to your target users.

    • Sketch possible ideas for the overall layout of the content on the webpage.

    • Determine the final layout and its overall style (such as: colors, fonts, etc.)

  3. Build the website using a tool such as Google Sites (available within Google Drive, see guide to Get Started with Sites) – or code the website directly using HTML and CSS.

    • Include temporary placeholders for the product demo video and product images (smart device & web app) until they are ready to add to the website.

In the next phase of the project, you'll test the website with people outside your team to determine how effective the website is at explaining and marketing your team's solution.

❏ Deliverable

Submit a link to your team's product marketing website for its smart device solution.