2.4 Robot Demo Environment

You'll create your robot's demonstration environment, so it has the necessary features and objects to demonstrate your robot task scenarios.

Surface for Demo Environment

Your teacher will confirm which type of surface that the teams will use to create their 6 ft × 6 ft robot demonstration environments. The demo environments might need to be created on a portable surface, so they can be stored and transported (e.g., between class meetings – or for the public presentation event). For example:

  • If there is sufficient floor space in the classroom or hallway, each team might receive a designated 6 ft × 6 ft floor space for the remainder of the project. Each space could be outlined using tape (masking, painter's, gaffer, electrical, etc.).

  • Butcher paper could be used to create a surface for the environments. Each team could tape together 2 pieces of 3 ft × 6 ft white butcher paper, in order to form a 6 ft × 6 ft sheet, which could be carefully rolled for storage.

  • Poster board could be used to create a surface for the environments. Each team could use 6 pieces of 2 ft × 3 ft white poster board, in order to form a 6 ft × 6 ft surface, which could be stacked or carefully folded for storage.


  1. Use your team's robot specifications to determine the specific objects and features needed for your robot demo environment.

    • Determine which objects and features will be stationary and which need to be movable.

      • Stationary features will remain fixed in place throughout your robot demonstration (same location across all task scenarios).

      • Movable features will change location during your robot demonstration (either during a task scenario or between scenarios).

    • Determine which objects and features will be 2D representations and which should be 3D representations.

      • 2D representations: Certain features could be created as flat representations (even if the real-life feature isn't flat). Stationary features could be drawn directly on the environment surface (if using butcher paper or poster board). Movable objects could be constructed with paper, cut out, and placed onto the environment surface.

      • 3D representations: Cardboard and other materials can be used to create 3D representations of certain objects and features, such as walls, obstacles, etc.

  2. Construct the objects and features needed for your team’s robot demo environment. Necessary materials and tools might include: paper, cardboard, adhesive tape, scissors, ruler, markers, etc. Your teacher will identify which materials and tools will be provided, as well as where each team can store its completed objects and features.

    • Use your team's task scenario diagrams to help determine the correct size for each object or feature.

    • If necessary, add specific details to make certain objects or features visually distinct or identifiable to your audience. The purpose is to make your demonstration easy to understand and compelling to viewers.

  3. Set up your team’s robot demo environment with its objects and features. Use your team's task scenario diagrams to help determine the correct position for each object or feature. Be sure your robot will have sufficient space within the environment for driving, turning, etc.

    • Take a photo of your completed robot demo environment. If your task scenarios will have different layouts, then take a photo of each layout. Use an image editor (Google Drawing, etc.) to annotate the photo with text labels to identify key objects and features.

    • Use your demo environment to test and verify the programming of your robot's tasks and behaviors. Your team will most likely find it necessary to modify your demo environment (moving objects, etc.) and/or your robot's program, in order for the robot to successfully complete its tasks.

    • If you make a permanent change to the layout of your demo environment, be sure to update your task scenario diagram(s) to match and also take a new photo – so you have visual references to correctly set up the environment for the next test or demo.

CLEAR THE WAY: The robot needs a path that is about 18" (1.5 feet) wide in order to drive forward and make turns. If you place walls and other obstacles too close together in the environment, your robot might not be able to navigate through them.

❏ Deliverable

Submit the annotated photo(s) of your team's robot demo environment