1.7 Game Treatments

Your team will create game treatments to summarize your top three game concepts. Then you'll gather external feedback to help select and refine one game concept as your team's proposed project.

A game treatment is a written summary of a game concept that includes concept sketches of the game world and characters.

In the gaming industry, game treatments are used to get feedback on game concepts, as well as to pitch game concepts to get approval and funding to create them. Once a game treatment is approved, the team creates a detailed game design document and then begins to prototype the game.

  1. As a team, evaluate and refine your team's game concepts to select your top 3 game concepts.

    • You can critique ideas, filter out ideas, revise ideas, and add new ideas.

    • Be sure your top game concepts match your team's targeted gaming motivations and player experience goals listed in your persona.

    • Be sure your top game concepts seem engaging and innovative — as well as technically feasible to prototype.

  2. Use this template to create a game treatment for each of your team's top 3 game concepts.

    • The written summary will be brief (working title + 3 paragraphs).

    • The concept sketches are just rough mockups. Be sure to include captions or labels for the sketches.

    • Decide on a plan for each team member to contribute to the game treatments by writing, editing, and/or sketching.

    • Be sure the game treatments will make sense to people outside your team, so you can get useful feedback.

  3. Pair with another team to critique each other's game treatments.

    • Review one game treatment at a time.

    • The design team should share its target player persona, so the reviewers are aware of the targeted gaming motivations and player experience goals.

    • The reviewers should read the game treatment and then provide constructive feedback and ask questions.

    • The design team can respond to the feedback and ask follow-up questions.

    • Be sure someone on the design team records notes on the feedback.

    • Each game treatment review should take about 5-10 minutes. Repeat until all game treatments for both teams have been reviewed.

  4. Within your own team, select one game concept as your team's proposed game.

    • If necessary, refine the game treatment prior to the proposal presentation.

❏ Deliverable

Submit your team's 3 game treatments (including feedback notes)