3-7 Present Project Proposal

Before building your solution, your team will give a formal presentation explaining your targeted problem and your proposed solution. This will be an opportunity for other project teams to provide constructive feedback through a design critique.

Your team's presentation should briefly explain and show:

  1. Problem Being Solved: describe the problem, its impact, and its cause

  2. Personas for Stakeholders: mention how many people were interviewed, and highlight some of the key characteristics of both personas (if necessary, clarify key differences between the two personas)

  3. Journey Map of Current User Experience: introduce the persona and scenario, and briefly explain the current user experience (by highlighting problems in the current experience)

  4. Value Proposition of Solution: be sure it is clear what value your solution will provide to people

  5. Design Requirements for Solution: highlight some of the key requirements, and briefly explain how these are related to your user research findings

  6. Refined Sketches of Solution: highlight some of the ideas shown in the sketches

  7. System Model of Solution: briefly explain how the parts of the system work together

  8. Wireflow for Web App: introduce the task, and briefly explain how the user interacts with the app

  9. Storyboard of Future User Experience with Solution: briefly explain the story shown

  10. Evaluation of Solution Design: mention how many evaluators were involved, and briefly summarize the evaluation findings (positive and negative)


  • Prepare and practice your team's presentation. The presentation should have 10-15 slides and take about 8-10 minutes to deliver. Each team member should participate equally in the verbal presentation. Be sure to include a title slide identifying each of the team members. Be sure your presentation is clear and engaging.

  • After your team's presentation, the other project teams will ask questions and provide constructive feedback through a design critique (about 2-4 minutes). Be prepared to respond to questions and to record notes on the audience feedback.

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