2-3 Compile Research Data

Now that your team has observed and interviewed stakeholders, you should compile and share all your user research data electronically, so that your team can analyze and use the data.


Transfer your handwritten research notes into a digital version using this spreadsheet template. Your team should enter all its data into one shared spreadsheet.

The research notes from each person (user) that was observed and interviewed will be listed in a separate row. Each user will be identified by a code (U1, U2, U3, etc.) instead of their real name (to keep them anonymous).

For each user, list the name of the team member who conducted the interview, and list the type of stakeholder that the user represents.

The spreadsheet has 3 generic columns to record: (1) relevant background info about the user, (2) notes from your observation of the user (either your direct observation or the user's recalled experience), and (3) notes from your interview of the user.

NOTE: It may be better to replace some or all of these 3 generic columns with specific columns for each of the questions listed in your team's user research plan. This will allow you to list specific notes under specific questions, making it much easier to compare and analyze the data from all the users.

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