3-6 Evaluate Solution Design

Next your team will have stakeholders evaluate your solution design. Receiving constructive feedback early in the design process allows you to improve your solution before actually building it.

For each evaluator, your team will tell him/her the value proposition for your solution, and then show him/her each of these design artifacts:

  • Refined Solution Sketches

  • System Model for Solution

  • Wireflow for Web App

  • Storyboard for Solution

Your team should encourage the evaluator to ask questions and to provide specific feedback (positive and negative) by "thinking aloud" as they review the design artifacts.

If necessary, ask the evaluator questions to get him/her to provide more feedback or to clarify their feedback:

  • What do they think is unclear or confusing? Why?

  • What design features do they think are most useful or valuable? Why?

  • What design features do they think should be changed or improved? Why?

It is important for your team to understand the reasons behind the feedback – why does the evaluator think that?


  1. Your team should recruit 3-5 stakeholders to individually evaluate your team's solution design.

  2. Each evaluation should take about 5-7 minutes to complete. While one team member presents the solution design artifacts to the evaluator, another team member should record the evaluator's feedback in this spreadsheet template.

  3. Once all the evaluations are completed, your team should review and discuss the feedback from all the evaluators, in order to summarize your evaluation findings in this document.

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