IoT Project Outline

UPDATE AVAILABLE: This project guidebook has been replaced with a new version. This older version will no longer be available after August 1, 2019.

Your project challenge is to design and build an IoT device and web app that could improve or benefit your school community.

Your team will solve the project challenge by applying a user-centered design process that follows an iterative "Learn-Build-Measure" cycle.

  1. Research Problem Space - Let's start by exploring existing IoT devices and the technology you'll use to build your own smart devices. You will also begin to frame the goals of your team's project by learning about potential stakeholders and generating initial ideas for what problem to solve.

  2. Define Problem to Solve - Your team will evaluate its set of ideas for what problem to solve through deliberation and feedback. After conducting additional user research on your selected problem, you will describe your target stakeholders, the current user experience, the value proposition of your solution, and the design requirements for your solution.

  3. Design Solution & Deliver Proposal - Generate, evaluate, and refine your ideas for a solution. Create a detailed solution design for evaluation by stakeholders. Present your targeted problem and proposed solution for critique by other design teams.

  4. Build & Develop Solution - During development, track your team's progress and any issues that arise.

    Construct your smart device by connecting the necessary parts. Plan out and code your device app and web app. Conduct integration testing to ensure your solution works properly. Create a product demo video and product marketing website.

  5. Evaluate & Improve Solution - After creating your solution, test the solution with target stakeholders to gather feedback on improvements to make or additional features to add.

  6. Reflect & Present Project Results - At a public poster presentation, explain your team's design process and demonstrate your solution. Be prepared to respond to questions. Each team member will reflect on his or her contributions and how this project experience impacted future college and career interests.

Last updated