3-3 Create System Model of Solution

Your team will create a system model of your smart device and web app to show how the different parts of your solution work together. This system model will help your team better understand how to build and program your solution.

Your system model should include the smart device's inputs (such as: sensors, buttons, etc.), outputs (such as: lights, motor, etc.), and its web app.

If your smart device and/or web app interact with a web service (such as: getting data from weather website, posting message to social media, etc.), then also include this in the system model.


Here is the system model of the smart thermostat prototype that your team built as practice.


  1. Use your team's refined solution sketches to identify the specific inputs and outputs that will be used to build your smart device. If helpful, here are the list of parts available in your Photon kit. If necessary, your team may need to simulate certain inputs or outputs.

  2. Modify this system model template to include each specific input and output. Include each web service being used – or remove if no web service is being used.

  3. Add text boxes to the diagram to briefly explain the key functions and interactions of the parts of the system. The goal is that anyone should be able to use the diagram to understand how to build the smart device and how the device will work.

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