Prerequisite Knowledge
Basic HTML/CSS/JS Programming Concepts
Familiarity with the following concepts are highly recommended before programming the trivia game. But mastery is NOT required.
Common HTML Elements and the basic tag syntax
Nesting elements
id and class attributes
Selectors for elements, classes, and ids
Common properties used in styles: background-color, color, font-size, margin, padding, height, width, display, border, etc.
Variables - numbers, strings, objects
Conditionals -- if, else
jQuery selectors for elements, classes, and ids
Basic jQuery functions: $.show(), $.hide(), $.html()
Options to Learn or Revisit Concepts
Intro to Informatics and Web Development (Recommended)
The Intro to Informatics and Web Development series of exercises covers HTML/CSS/JS and some informatics practices.
A Quick Dive
Deeper Dive Options
HTML - W3Schools, Khan Academy, Codecademy
CSS - W3Schools, Khan Academy, Codecademy
JavaScript - W3Schools (JS) / W3schools (jQuery), Khan Academy 1 (JS)/ Khan Academy 2 (jQuery), Codecademy 1 (JS) / Codecademy 2 (jQuery)