Use Images with Questions

If you want questions to display a particular image, like shown above, here are the basic steps.

1 - Upload Images to Your App in an "images" folder.

  • index.html

  • style.css

  • code.js

  • images

    • question1image.png

    • question2image.png

2 - Add a Column in Your Spreadsheet for Image Names

3 - Add HTML to Hold the Image

You may want to place this right below your question, like the example at the top of this page.

<div id="image-holder"></div>

4 - Add the Javascript to Display the Image

You will want to add this right after trivia.insertQuestionInfo(); in your displayQuestion( ) function.

if (trivia.currentQuestion.image)
    $('#image-holder').html(`<img src='images/${trivia.currentQuestion.image}'</img>`);

5 - Add CSS Styles

These styles will maintain the width of the image and center it on the screen. Change the styles as needed.

#image-holder {
  margin: auto;
  width: 150px;

#image-holder > img {
  width: 100%;

That's it. It should work for you now.