HTML Basics

HTML provides the structure for web pages and uses elements with tag names to differentiate items on the page. For example, <h1>...</h1> is a large heading element. Notice the opening tag <h1> and closing tag </h1> that indicates the beginning and end of the element. "h1" is the tag name in this case.

<h1>Favorite Technology Sites</h1>
<h3>MIT Technology Review</h3>
<p>The <a href="">MIT Technology Review</a> keeps me up to date on innovation.</p>

Try it out

  1. Copy and past the HTML above into a new CodePen and notice how the browser preview looks.

  2. Read these explanations on Headings, Paragraphs, and Links

  3. Add two more sites to the list with each having it's own "h3", "p", and "a" elements.

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