Student Profile

Computing by Design projects for iDEW students are designed to build skills in programming, design, and data. Further, the projects provide a deep experience in the applications of technology for students to build confidence, develop intuition, exert influence, and express a unique voice. Below you will find an explanation for each of these attributes that encourage students to take ownership of their learning.


I am learning the art of trying things, critically looking at the result, and then improving them. I am confident in the face of not knowing something, even in failing, because I have experienced the process leading to results.

  • Iterative research of problem domains, applicable technologies, and stakeholders using industry practices.

  • Iterative coding and data collection methods in HTML/CSS/JS, Arduino, Spreadsheets, and SQL.

  • Iterative design practices with sketching, digital mockups, physical prototypes, and evaluation.


I am experiencing a growing number of contexts and tools to build solutions. I am seeing patterns emerge and building intuition based on my practice. My intuition enables me to adapt to many circumstances.

  • Using common reference materials for code syntax and examples across HTML/CSS/JS, Arduino, and SQL.

  • Linking general concepts of programming (variables, loops, functions, etc.) across different languages and frameworks.

  • Engagement of various real-world problem contexts.

  • Application of diverse technologies - Web app, IoT, Video Games, Robotics, Chatbot, Data Visualization.


I know I belong in the tech community because I have successfully contributed. I am convinced that I can change the world through thoughtful collaboration and intentional work.

  • Application of industry practices and speaking the language of industry practitioners.

  • Presentation and demonstration of project work in public, online, and in class contexts.

  • Collection of feedback on project work and synthesis of findings for improving the value of solutions.


I have experienced the diversity of thought and approaches to solving problems and have witnessed it by analyzing various real-world products. My unique voice brings value to the creative work being done to solve problems, and I see the value of team member contributions.

  • Filling unique roles within project team.

  • Demonstrating flexibility and novelty in my approach to deliverables.

  • Contributing to the collective solution to a problem.

Student Practices


  • Interviews

  • Internet Research

  • Surveys

  • Technical Experiments/Tutorials

  • Competitive Analysis


  • Sketching

  • Brainstorming

  • Idea Evaluation

  • Concept Mapping


  • Task Analysis

  • Storyboards

  • Digital Interface Prototypes

  • Physical Mockups


  • User Testing

  • Expert Review

  • Code Testing



  • SQL

  • Spreadsheets

  • Arduino-like Programming

  • Cloud Computing

  • Rules-based Chatbot Scripting