2-5 Present a Development Review and Demonstration


1. Prepare Development Review

Once you have finished your data collection and the development of your online visualization, prepare a few slides to present your team's development process for the the following.

  • Data Collection Outline the methods of data collection and sources of your data. Be prepared to explain the primary challenges you faced in the process.

  • Design and Styling Outline the inspiration, reasoning, and process behind the design and style elements. Be prepared to explain the primary challenges you faced in the process.

  • Programming Outline the process used to program the visualization, including methods used to debug problems. Be prepared to explain the primary challenges you faced in the process.

2. Prepare a Demonstration

Practice how your team will demonstrate and explain your visualization to the class. Prepare a few questions to ask the class in order to get feedback and ideas on your visualization.

❏ Deliverable

A presentation and link to your visualization.

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